Introducing a menu for training your pectoral muscles at home! We also explain tips and the benefits of training.


When starting muscle training at home, many people start by training large muscles such as the pectoral muscles. Training the pectoral muscles improves posture and makes the body look bigger, so it is an area where you can easily feel the effects of training .

In this article,

  • Benefits of training your pectoral muscles
  • Tips for training your pectoral muscles
  • At-home chest muscle training menu

We will introduce you to the following:

We also introduce training menus that can be done without any equipment, so please use them as a reference when training at home.

Structure of the Pectoral Muscle

Man training

The pectoralis major is not one single muscle, but is divided into three sections: upper, middle and lower.

The upper muscles are needed when moving your arms diagonally upwards, and training them will give you a fuller chest. The middle muscles work when you close your arms in front of you, and training them will increase the volume of your entire chest. The lower muscles work when you move your arms diagonally backwards, and training them will make the boundary with your abdominal muscles more clearly visible.

There are exercises for training the upper, middle, and lower pectoral muscles, so change your training depending on your goals.

A workout menu to train your pectoral muscles at home

Man training his pectoral muscles

In this chapter, we will introduce training for training the pectoral muscles at home. Many people who are thinking of starting muscle training at home may not have yet prepared equipment such as dumbbells. Training the pectoral muscles can be done using your own body weight, so even beginners without equipment can easily train them.

The advantage of bodyweight training, which you can start easily at any time, is that it is easier to make into a habit than having to suddenly prepare all the equipment, so try learning about the various exercises and procedures in this chapter.

Menu 1: Normal push-ups

Normal push-ups are what we call push-ups. When you think of push-ups, you may think of them as a way to train your arms, but they are also a typical way to train your pectoral muscles using your own body weight. They can be done right there and then, so they are recommended as a form of training you can do at home.

The training methods are as follows:

  1. Place your hands on the floor with your arms shoulder-width apart and your elbows straight, and keep your back straight.
  2. Bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest just touches the floor.
  3. Once you have lowered your body, pause for a moment and then return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the above steps

The key is to inhale when you bring your chest closer to the floor, and exhale when you push your body up. It's also a good idea to imagine keeping a straight line from your neck to your heels.

Menu 2: Incline push-ups

Unlike the normal push-down mentioned above, the incline push-up is a training method in which the upper body is angled. Since you can create an angle by using a chair or a platform, it can be considered a bodyweight training that can be done at home.

The training methods are as follows:

  1. Place both hands on a chair or table and tilt your upper body
  2. Bend your elbows and bring your chest closer to the table
  3. When you get close, pause for a moment, then slowly straighten your elbows and return to the original position.
  4. Repeat the above steps

Standard pushdowns can be difficult even for experienced individuals depending on their muscle mass.

In the case of incline push-ups, the load is lighter than that of normal push-downs, so even beginners can easily do them. It is also recommended to step up to normal push-downs after you have built up some muscle.

Menu 3: Dips

Dips are a type of training in which you move your body up and down using a chair or platform. Because you can train the lower pectoral muscles using your own weight, they are recommended for those who want to clearly define the boundary between their chest and abdominal muscles.

This is a simple exercise that can be done by simply placing chairs or platforms of the same height on both sides of your body, so even those who are not used to strength training can do it with confidence.

The training methods are as follows:

  1. Place chairs or stools on either side of your body
  2. Place your hands on the ground wider than shoulder width, lift your feet off the ground, and lean forward.
  3. Bend your elbows and lower your body
  4. Once it has dropped, slowly return to the starting position
  5. Repeat the above steps

Be conscious of not leaning too far forward and shrugging your shoulders while performing the movement.

Menu 4: Dumbbell fly

Dumbbell fly is a muscle training exercise that uses dumbbells and a bench. It is effective for the middle part of the pectoral muscles among chest exercises.

Recommended for those who are accustomed to training with their own weight and want to do more serious training at home.

The training methods are as follows:

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest your back against a bench
  2. Bring your shoulder blades together and stick out your chest
  3. With your arms slightly bent at the elbows, raise the dumbbells above your chest.
  4. Slowly extend your arms out to the sides and lower the dumbbells
  5. Repeat the above steps

In addition, when you bring your shoulder blades together and place your back on the bench, be aware of creating a space between your back and the bench. There is a similar exercise called the "dumbbell press," but it is different from the dumbbell flight. For more information, please refer to the following article.

>>What is the correct way to do dumbbell press? Explaining the difference between dumbbell press and bench press and the recommended weight

Menu 5: Incline dumbbell fly

Incline dumbbell fly is a training exercise performed with an incline on the bench. It mainly trains the upper part of the pectoral muscles.

The training methods are as follows:

  1. Rest your back on an inclined bench
  2. Bring your shoulder blades together and stick out your chest
  3. With your arms slightly bent at the elbows, raise the dumbbells above your chest.
  4. Slowly extend your arms out to the sides and lower the dumbbells
  5. Repeat the above steps

For this exercise, you will need an adjustable bench that allows you to change the incline. Please refer to the following article for detailed instructions on how to use it and how to train at home.

>>15 ways to use an adjustable bench | Recommended training exercises you can do at home

Benefits of training your pectoral muscles

Man sitting on a training bench

In this chapter, we will explain the benefits of training the pectoral muscles. When doing muscle training at home, it is a good idea to understand the benefits in advance so that you can make it a habit. Knowing the expected results makes it easier to set goals and maintain motivation.

In addition, because the pectoral muscles are a large part of the body, it also leads to improved basal metabolism and posture. There are many benefits for those who want to build a healthy body, so please use it to maintain your motivation.

Benefit 1: Increased motivation

The pectoral muscles are easy to train, so it's easy to get motivated . Compared to other parts of the body, it's easier to see results, so you'll feel like you're training well.

Strength training requires physical strength and increases your heart rate because you use weights to work your muscles. However, if you don't see visible results, it's hard to continue.

Even if you start with the goal of improving your health, it's meaningless if you don't continue. It's a good idea to prioritize maintaining your motivation and choose chest muscle training as your first muscle training.

In addition, maintaining motivation is also important in making home training a habit. While home training has the advantage of being easy to start, it also has the disadvantage of being difficult to continue.

One of the reasons for this is that there are many temptations in the familiar environment of home. Training the pectoral muscles is easy to train and the results are easy to see, so it is recommended for beginners who want to increase their motivation.

Benefit 2: Improved metabolism

Strengthening your pectoral muscles also helps improve your basal metabolic rate.

Simply put, basal metabolism is the energy consumed just by living in one day . Basal metabolism does not include the energy consumed through intentional exercise such as muscle training, so it is best to remember it as the energy consumed automatically just by spending one day.

The mechanism by which weight loss through muscle training works is that it increases the energy consumed in addition to the basal metabolism. If the energy consumed in a day is greater than the energy taken in, you can lose weight.

When the human body's muscle mass increases, the basal metabolic rate also increases, and the amount of energy consumed per day increases, making it harder for the body to gain weight and easier to lose weight. The pectoral muscles are one of the larger muscles, so by training them, you can efficiently increase your metabolism.

If you want to increase your muscle mass, raise your basal metabolic rate, and maintain a healthy body shape, we recommend training your pectoral muscles.

Benefit 3: It gives definition to your body lines

Training the pectoral muscles is effective in achieving a well-defined body line.

For men, developing the pectoral muscles will make the chest broader, giving the body a masculine, stocky appearance. Having a broad chest also makes it clear that you work out regularly, and the change in your physique will boost your confidence.

The tone of the pectoral muscles will be noticeable even when you are wearing clothes, so if you want to look cool in a shirt, you should focus on training your pectoral muscles.

For women, training the pectoral muscles can help increase bust size. The pectoral muscles play a role in supporting the bust, so focusing on training the upper and middle muscles will help increase bust size.

Training the pectoral muscles can bring about big changes to the appearance of both men and women. It is the perfect muscle training for those who want to change their appearance and gain confidence through training.

Benefit 4: Improves posture

Training the pectoral muscles helps improve posture. If you do a lot of desk work, your posture can easily become poor, and there are probably many people who spend their daily lives with a hunched back.

One of the causes of slouching is stiffness of the pectoral muscles. Muscles that are not exercised tend to stiffen, so if you are always leaning forward while using your smartphone or computer, your pectoral muscles will become stiff and rounded. Unless you exercise and release the tension in your muscles, your pectoral muscles will remain stiff, and you will always have poor posture.

Pectoral muscle training is the perfect exercise to loosen up stiff muscles . If you are aware that you have a hunched back or would like to keep your back straight and in good posture, we recommend pectoral muscle training.

In addition, improving your posture will also give you a brighter impression when interacting with others. It's a two-for-one deal, as it improves both your health and your impression in your everyday life.

Benefit 5: You can do other exercises more effectively

Training the pectoralis major muscle will allow you to effectively train other parts of the body. One of the characteristics of the pectoralis major muscle is that it is the muscle that makes up most of the trunk .

By strengthening your core, you will develop the muscles that support your body, so you will be able to lift heavier weights even when training other parts of your body. If you are training other muscles besides your pectoral muscles and are having trouble lifting more weight, we recommend that you focus on training your pectoral muscles.

Another major benefit is that it helps maintain your body shape and posture, making you look healthier. By simply training your pectoral muscles, you can not only increase your strength, but also build a healthier body. If you want to change your appearance through muscle training, or if you want to increase your metabolism and maintain a healthy body, be sure to train your pectoral muscles.

Tips for training your pectoral muscles

Man lifting dumbbells

In this chapter, we will explain the points you should be aware of when training your pectoral muscles. When training, simply focusing on lifting dumbbells will not produce sufficient results. You can maximize your results by being aware of the part of the body you are training and incorporating correct breathing techniques.

In addition, it is more effective to combine training with bodyweight training rather than just using dumbbells. We will explain each point in detail, so please try incorporating the contents of this chapter into your training.

Tip 1: Be aware of the body part

When doing muscle training, it is more effective to be aware of the part of the body you are training. For example, training the pectoral muscles will strengthen the upper, middle, and lower parts, so it is a good idea to focus on each part when training.

The recommended method is to understand the structure of the muscle beforehand. If you know the direction of the fibers of the pectoral muscle and where and how it is divided into upper, middle, and lower parts, you will be able to visualize it clearly in your mind.

Also, knowing the direction of muscle fibers will help you remember training movements. Some muscle training movements follow the direction of muscle fibers. If you know the direction of muscle fibers, you will understand the meaning of the movements, and you will be able to naturally remember the training method.

Tip 2: Be aware of your breathing

When training your pectoral muscles, be mindful of your breathing .

Breathing techniques are mainly divided into chest breathing and abdominal breathing, but it is recommended to focus on abdominal breathing when training the pectoral muscles. Abdominal breathing is a breathing technique in which you expand your stomach when you inhale and contract your stomach when you exhale.

Compared to chest breathing, it has the effect of allowing you to breathe more deeply. The more oxygen you take in, the more energy you expend, making for a more effective muscle training session.

Abdominal breathing also has the effect of making the parasympathetic nervous system dominant. When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, it becomes easier to release tension in the body, and you can train without using unnecessary force. If your body is tense, you will not be able to train properly, so be aware of your breathing and do muscle training in a relaxed state.

Tip 3: Mix it up with bodyweight exercises

When training your pectoral muscles at home, it is a good idea to mix in bodyweight training as well as dumbbell training . Dumbbell training can be very effective because it puts a lot of strain on the muscles, but for beginners, high-stress training can be risky. If you handle heavy dumbbells when you are not used to the correct form, you may get injured.

However, pushing yourself is essential to develop muscles. By combining dumbbell and bodyweight training, even beginners can push themselves to the limit while reducing the risk of injury. Specifically, you can start by training with dumbbells to provide a certain level of stimulation, and then do bodyweight training such as pushdowns to make it easier to push yourself.

Even if you get tired quickly with dumbbells and are unable to train for long periods of time, you can achieve more effective muscle training by doing them in parallel with bodyweight training.

Tools to help you train your pectoral muscles at home

In this chapter, we will introduce some equipment that will be useful when training your pectoral muscles at home. Dumbbells are generally well-known, but when training your pectoral muscles, we recommend using a bench as well, as this will expand the range of exercises you can do.

Doing the same training every day can lead to a rut and you may get bored with muscle training. By adding just one piece of equipment, you can broaden the scope of your training, so let's deepen our understanding in this chapter.

Tool 1: Dumbbells

Dumbbells are essential tools for muscle training. Many people think that a bench is also necessary for training the pectoral muscles, but there are exercises such as "upper raises" that can be done while sitting on a chair, and "dumbbell adduction" that can be done while standing using dumbbells. Even if you don't have a bench, you can still apply a sufficient load, so as long as you have dumbbells, it's no problem.

There are two types of dumbbells: those with a fixed weight and adjustable dumbbells that allow you to easily change the weight. For beginners, it is important to learn the correct form, so it is fine to start with light dumbbells.

However, since you can increase the weight of dumbbells to improve the training effect, if you only have dumbbells of a certain weight at home, you will need to purchase new ones. The choice of dumbbells depends on the purpose of muscle training, but if you want to build bigger muscles or update your weight, adjustable dumbbells that allow you to easily change the weight are a good choice.

Uchino Gym has a wide variety of dumbbells, from dumbbells with fixed weights to adjustable dumbbells whose weights can be changed. If you are not sure which equipment to choose, be sure to check it out.

>> Click here for a list of dumbbell products

Tool 2: Bench

When training the pectoral muscles, having a bench allows you to do a variety of exercises. It is basically used with dumbbells, but a bench is required for the "dumbbell fly" and "incline dumbbell fly" introduced in the training method.

There are different types of benches, including the basic "flat bench" and the "adjustable bench" that allows you to adjust the angle. Although you can train sufficiently with a flat bench, if you can adjust the angle, you can train various parts of the pectoral muscles, so if you want to do more exercises, an adjustable bench is better.

In addition, a bench can be used for muscle training other than the pectoral muscles, which has the advantage of increasing the variety of training . A bench is also recommended for those who want to change the type of training they do regularly.

Uchino Gym has a wide variety of benches, from flat benches to adjustable benches. If you are looking for a bench to use at home, be sure to check it out.

>> Click here for a list of adjustable benches

Tool 3: Mat

When training your pectoral muscles, don't forget to prepare a mat .

In particular, when training with dumbbells, there is a risk that your hand will slip and you will drop them to the floor. Even the lightest dumbbells weigh several kilograms, so if you drop them, the impact will be great.

If you live in an apartment, it can cause noise, and if you live in a rental property, scratching the floor can increase the cost of moving out. When training with dumbbells, be sure to lay a mat on the floor to prevent noise and scratches.

There are various types of mats, but the most common are those that are several meters square, or joint mats that are used together. Joint mats are small in size, and have the advantage that they can be freely combined to fit the area of ​​the floor.

Uchino Gym has a wide variety of mats, from mats that are a few square metres to jointed mats, so be sure to check them out if you're training at home.

>> Click here for a list of gym mat products

When training your pectoral muscles at home, equipment is also effective.

The pectoral muscles can be trained at home, and there are plenty of exercises that are easy for even beginners to do.

The pectoralis major is a muscle that is easy to see results from, and it also helps improve posture, so it is a part of the body that can get the most results. For beginners, training parts that are easy to see results from will make muscle training more fun, so it is a good idea to choose the pectoralis major when working on it for the first time.

Although it is possible to train the pectoral muscles using your own body weight, it is more efficient to use equipment. By combining dumbbells and a bench, you can do a wider range of training than with your own body weight. If you want to make muscle training a habit, it is recommended that you get the equipment to increase your motivation.

Uchino Gym has a wide selection of convenient equipment for muscle training at home. If you want to set up a muscle training environment at home, be sure to check it out.

>>Uchinogym Official Website

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