What is the incline bench press? Explaining its effects, correct method, and angle


One of the training exercises that can strengthen the pectoral muscles is the "incline bench press." As long as you have the right equipment, you can easily do this at home, so it is recommended for those who find it troublesome to go to the gym.

In this article,

  • Incline Bench Press Tips
  • Benefits of Incline Bench Press
  • How to do an incline bench press

Learn how to train and the tips to effectively train your pectoral muscles.

What is the Incline Bench Press?

What is the Incline Bench Press?

The incline bench press is a training exercise performed by setting the bench at an angle. It is suitable for training the upper chest muscles and the deltoid muscles in the shoulders.

There is a difference between the incline bench press and the regular bench press in the muscles that can be accessed. The regular bench press is a training performed on a bench with no incline, and it trains the middle and lower pectoral muscles.

In this chapter, we will explain the difference between incline bench press and dumbbell press, and the parts of the body that are trained with incline bench press.

Difference from dumbbell press

Like the incline bench press, there is the dumbbell press, which is an exercise that can train the pectoral and deltoid muscles. A bench is also used for the dumbbell press, but the big difference is that there is no incline .

Also, the incline bench press is a training using a barbell, while the dumbbell press uses dumbbells. Since dumbbells are used in a form where the left and right sides move independently, it takes some time to get used to it.

For beginners, it is a good idea to train with a bench press, which has a fixed trajectory. Also, for those who want to build up their pectoral muscles, we recommend training with a bench press, which allows you to handle heavier weights.

The following article provides detailed instructions on how to do dumbbell presses. It includes information on the weight and number of repetitions, so please use it as a reference when doing dumbbell presses.
»What is the correct way to do dumbbell press? Explaining the difference with bench press and the weight guideline

Areas that can be trained

The incline bench press trains the upper chest muscles, the deltoids in the shoulders, and the triceps . It will especially help to create a good-looking shape for the chest muscles. The regular bench press also trains the chest muscles, but it mainly targets the middle and lower parts.

However, if only the middle and lower parts of the pectoral muscles are developed, they will look droopy. A good-looking pectoral muscle is characterized by a voluminous shape that rises from the clavicle area. The incline bench press is suitable for adding volume to the upper part of the pectoral muscles.

How to do an incline bench press

How to do an incline bench press

Here's how to do an incline bench press:

  1. Set the bench angle to 30-45 degrees.
  2. Lie on your back on a bench, bring your shoulder blades inward, stick out your chest, and arch your spine.
  3. Grip the bar and lower it down to your pectoral muscles.
  4. Lower the bar to about 5cm from your pectoral muscles, then raise it.
  5. The above operations are repeated.

A good rule of thumb is to choose a weight that is about 70% of the weight you would use on a bench press . For example, if you bench press 50kg, then the recommended weight for the incline bench press is 35kg.

Beginners should first get their form right, so start with light weights and gradually increase the weight.

Also, it is recommended that you do 10 repetitions per set, and 3 to 5 sets should be done. Make sure to take a 3-minute break between sets.

Incline Bench Press Tips

Incline Bench Press Tips

In this chapter, we will explain some tips for doing incline bench press. Incline bench press is not just about lifting weight, but it is more effective if you pay attention to your form.

However, if you don't understand the correct form, you may end up working on parts of your body other than your pectoral muscles, so be careful. In order to achieve beautiful pectoral muscles, be sure to follow the tips in this chapter when doing your training.

Tip 1: Don't lift your hips

When doing the incline bench press, be careful not to lift your hips. The incline bench press is a training exercise that trains the upper pectoral muscles by setting the bench at an angle.

However, if you raise your hips, the incline will be lost and you will end up in a position similar to a regular bench press. If your posture changes, it will work on the middle of your pectoral muscles, so remember that you are training to target the upper part of your chest, and keep your hips on the bench.

Also, if your hips rise, your range of motion will be narrowed, and your training efficiency will decrease. Inefficient training will slow down the speed at which your muscles develop, so be sure to maintain the correct form.

Tip 2: Don't lower the barbell too low

When performing an incline bench press, be careful not to lower the barbell too far.

If you lower the barbell all the way to your chest, it will work on the deltoids in your shoulders instead of your pectoral muscles. As mentioned above, you should lower the barbell to about 5cm above your pectoral muscles before raising it up.

The position where you lower the barbell is also important. With the incline bench press, lowering the barbell slightly below the collarbone will have an effect on the upper pectoral muscles. Be careful not to lower the barbell in the wrong position and bring it down near your neck, as this will work on your deltoids.

Tip 3: Don't arch your back too much

When doing incline bench presses, be careful not to arch your back too much. There is a step in the training process where you arch your back, but if you are too conscious of arching your back when using an incline bench, your posture will put strain on your lumbar vertebrae.

The lumbar spine plays an important role in supporting the upper body, so if it is injured, it can cause problems in your daily life.

If you think too strongly about "arching your waist," it can cause you to arch your waist too much, so while your waist is resting on the bench, increase abdominal pressure and focus on sticking out your chest to create a natural arch.

Benefits of Incline Bench Press

Benefits of Incline Bench Press

In this chapter, we will explain the effects of the incline bench press. The incline bench press is a useful exercise for improving the shape of your pectoral muscles, but it also develops your deltoids and triceps, which can greatly change your appearance.

In addition, because the pectoral muscles are classified as one of the largest muscles in the body, it also has the great benefit of increasing your metabolism . We will also explain the benefits that women can get from working on the incline bench press.

Effect 1: Thicken the upper body

By training the upper pectoral muscles with the incline bench press, you can achieve thicker pectoral muscles that bulge from around the collarbone.

Developing the pectoral muscles has the effect of improving poor posture such as hunched shoulders, so it is also recommended for those who want to improve their posture . Developed pectoral muscles and good posture will give a brighter impression to those around you.

In addition to the pectoral muscles, the incline bench press also trains the deltoids and triceps. The deltoids are muscles on the front, and muscle hypertrophy can make your shoulders look bigger. The development of the deltoids also helps make your shoulders look wider, so it's the perfect area for those who want to achieve the so-called inverted triangle body type .

The triceps are the muscles on the back of the arm, and when developed, they can make your arms look thicker. When we think of arm muscles, we usually think of the biceps, but the triceps are the muscles that jut out backwards when your arms are down. Therefore, you can see how thick your arms are even when you're not exerting any force, so they are recommended for those who want to have muscular upper arms .

The incline bench press trains the pectoral muscles, deltoids, and triceps, so it's a great exercise to do if you want to build up your upper body.

Effect 2: Increased metabolism

By training your pectoral muscles with the incline bench press, you can increase your basal metabolic rate.

Basal metabolism is the amount of energy naturally consumed during your daily life . Note that basal metabolism does not include the energy consumed during training.

When it comes to increasing your basal metabolism, it is effective to train the muscles of large parts of the body. Typical examples include the leg muscles, pectoral muscles, and back muscles, but the incline bench press trains the pectoral muscles, which helps to improve your basal metabolism.

The biggest benefit of improving your basal metabolic rate is that it makes it easier for you to lose weight. When your basal metabolic rate increases, the amount of energy you consume naturally increases in a day, making it easier for you to lose weight and less likely to gain weight.

In addition, if you make exercise a habit, you will consume more energy than your basal metabolism, and your muscles will develop, which will further increase your basal metabolism. Train your pectoral muscles with the incline bench press, increase your basal metabolism, and get a body that is easier to lose weight.

Effect 3: Women can expect to see an increase in bust size

Training the pectoral muscles with the incline bench press is also effective for increasing bust size for women.

The pectoralis major muscle is the muscle that acts as the foundation that supports the bust, and training the upper part of the pectoralis major muscle makes it easier for the chest to rise . The incline bench press is suitable for training the upper part of the pectoralis major muscle, so it is an exercise that is suitable for increasing bust size.

Pectoral muscle training is also recommended for those who are concerned about sagging breasts. The main cause of sagging breasts is a decrease in the overall muscle mass of the pectoralis major. By training the pectoralis major , muscle mass increases, which has the effect of fixing and lifting the breasts.

Training the upper pectoral muscles with the incline bench press has great benefits for both men and women. Be sure to incorporate it into your muscle training routine to achieve your ideal body shape.

Tools to help with incline bench press

Tools to help with incline bench press

In this chapter, we will introduce tools that are useful for doing incline bench press at home. When training at home, you will of course need tools such as barbells and plates, but you will also need to take measures to prevent noise and protect the floor.

We also introduce some benches that are useful for performing incline bench presses, so please refer to them.

Tool 1: Barbell

A barbell is an essential piece of equipment when performing the incline bench press.

A typical barbell weighs 20kg, but for some women, even 20kg may feel too heavy. In such cases, choosing a 15kg barbell will allow you to continue training without putting too much strain on yourself.

Also, when doing it at home, pay attention to the length of the barbell . The standard length of a barbell is 200-220cm, but if your room is small, choose a barbell that is 200cm or less.

You can also purchase barbells at Uchino Gym, and they have a wide variety of them. You can also choose 15kg and 20kg barbells, so if you want to do incline bench press at home, try choosing a barbell at Uchino Gym.

»Barbell product list

Tool 2: Plate

Plates are essential for applying load in training. The incline bench press is also an essential tool because the weight can be adjusted by attaching plates to the barbell.

The weight of the plates varies, but they are generally divided into four types: 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, and 20kg per plate . There are also metal and rubber-coated plates.

Especially when training at home, it is important to avoid damaging the floor, so it is a good idea to use rubber-coated plates. Rubber-coated plates are also better in terms of noise.

Metal ones make a loud noise when the plates touch each other, so they are not suitable for training at home. Use rubber-coated plates to protect your floors and reduce noise.

Uchino Gym also carries a wide selection of rubber-coated plates, so be sure to consider Uchino Gym when choosing your plates.

»Weight Plate Product List

Tool #3: Adjustable bench

For incline bench press, you need an adjustable bench that allows you to change the angle of the bench. Unlike bench press, which is done on a flat bench, you need to change the angle of the bench, so you should use an adjustable bench.

Also, if you have an adjustable bench at home, you can do regular bench presses just by adjusting the angle of the bench , which increases the variety of your training. Muscle training can become a habit and you may get bored if you do the same exercise every time, so change the exercises moderately to prevent monotony.

In addition, the adjustable bench can be used effectively for various parts of the body other than pectoral muscle training. Having one at home will expand the range of your training , so it is a recommended bench.

Uchino Gym sells adjustable benches large enough to be used at home, so if you're thinking of purchasing one, consider Uchino Gym's products.

»Adjustable bench product list

Tool #4: Mat

A mat is essential when doing strength training at home. The equipment used for strength training is heavy, so if you drop it, the floor will be damaged easily.

Also, if you place the bench directly on the floor, it may damage the floor when you move it. If you lay a mat in the room, it will prevent noise and reduce the risk of damage, so if you train at home, be sure to prepare one.

Uchino Gym offers joint mats that are convenient for use at home. They can be connected to fit the size of the room, and the size can be adjusted with a cutter, making them convenient. When creating a training environment at home, start by choosing a mat from Uchino Gym.

»Mat product list

Incline bench press with proper form

Understanding the correct way to do the incline bench press will allow you to do effective training. Unlike a regular bench press, the incline bench allows you to train the upper pectoral muscles , helping you build a strong upper body.

Another benefit is that training the pectoral muscles, which are the largest muscles in the body, increases your basal metabolic rate and makes it easier to lose weight.

You can easily train at home if you have the right equipment, so choose some training equipment at Uchino Gym and get to work on your incline bench press.

»Uchino Gym

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