Dumbbell reverse fly exercises to train trapezius, posterior deltoids, and rhomboids! How to do it and what to be careful of

One of the exercises for training the back muscles is the "dumbbell reverse fly." It is a training that can be done at home, but many people are concerned about the form to use and what to pay attention to when training.
In this article,
- Dumbbell Reverse Fly Overview
- How to do dumbbell reverse fly
- Points to note when training
We introduce the following:
This is a recommended article for anyone who wants to train their back efficiently at home, so please read it to the end.
What is dumbbell reverse fly?

Dumbbell reverse fly is a training method that uses dumbbells to train the back muscles . It can be easily done at home with just dumbbells, so it is recommended for beginners.
In this chapter, we will introduce in detail the parts of the body that are trained by dumbbell reverse fly and the necessary equipment.
The back muscles are not just one, but several groups, so it's important to understand them before you start training so you can pinpoint the areas you want to train.
Areas that can be trained
Dumbbell reverse flyes primarily work the following three areas:
- Latissimus dorsi
- Trapezius
- Rhomboid muscles
The latissimus dorsi makes up a large portion of the back muscle , and training it can help you achieve a slimmer waist.
The trapezius muscles are muscles that support the neck, shoulder blades, and back , and are essential for maintaining good posture.
The trapezius muscle is divided into upper, middle and lower sections, each with a different function.
You may not be familiar with the rhomboid muscles, but they are located deeper than the trapezius and play an important role in stabilizing the movement of the scapula.
Since training the rhomboid muscles involves bringing the shoulder blades together, dumbbell reverse flys are the best exercise to use dumbbells to apply stress.
Also, if you are involved in sports, strengthening your rhomboid muscles can help reduce shoulder injuries. Even in daily life, if you suffer from stiff shoulders or a hunched back, strengthening your rhomboid muscles can help improve your posture.
Required Equipment
The dumbbell reverse fly is an easy exercise that you can do with just a dumbbell .
Generally, fixed weight dumbbells such as 5kg or 10kg are fine, but if you are training at home, adjustable dumbbells may also be a good choice.
If the weight is fixed, as your muscle strength increases, your usual weight will no longer be enough.
The advantage of an adjustable weight is that you can change the weight to suit your level, so it can be used as your muscle strength increases .
In addition, having a bench stand will allow you to do more exercises , so it is recommended for those who want to make training at home a habit and help prevent things from becoming monotonous.
Please refer to the following article for information on how to use and choose a bench.
»15 ways to use an adjustable bench | Recommended training exercises you can do at home
How to do dumbbell reverse fly

Now that you understand what parts of the body are trained with dumbbell reverse flys and what equipment you need, it's time to gain a deeper understanding of how to train them.
Learning the correct training methods will help you get the most out of your muscle training and also help prevent injury.
For beginners, back training tends to be more difficult than training the arms, chest, etc.
If you do strength training without understanding the correct method, it may end up working parts of your body other than your back.
In this chapter, you will learn to correctly understand the movement and apply it to the desired areas.
Starting position
Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand and standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
From a standing position, bend both knees slightly and lean your upper body forward. When bending both knees, be careful not to let your knees extend beyond your toes.
When leaning forward, the key is to stick your hips out and arch your back, and lean forward while sticking out your chest to avoid slouching.
Also, when you lean forward, let your arms holding the dumbbells hang down. It is easier to perform the movement if you look slightly upwards.
At this point, the starting position is complete.
From the starting position, bring the dumbbells up to shoulder level.
When you pull the dumbbells up, it's a good idea to bring your shoulder blades together. Raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level, and when you've brought your shoulder blades together, slowly return them to their original position.
To perform dumbbell reverse flys, repeat the movements above.
It is recommended that you start by training slowly using correct movements rather than increasing the weight.
If you try to increase the weight before learning the correct movement, your form will be compromised and you won't be able to work your back as hard.
Make sure to visualize your back muscles in your mind and slowly raise the dumbbells with correct posture.
Dumbbell Reverse Fly Tips

In this chapter, we will explain three points you should keep in mind to maximize the effectiveness of dumbbell reverse flys.
The main points are good posture, good breathing and slow movements.
It may seem simple to keep in mind, but when it comes to weight training, if you focus too much on lifting the dumbbells, you tend to neglect other movements.
Especially for beginners, it takes time to remember the posture and breathing, so be sure to move slowly until your body gets used to it.
Tip 1: Breathe slowly
The trick is to exhale slowly as you lift the dumbbells and inhale slowly as you return them to the starting position.
Be careful not to focus too much on lifting the dumbbells, as this can cause your breathing to become irregular.
Learning the correct breathing technique will also increase the effectiveness of fat burning. The amount of energy consumed is proportional to the amount of oxygen taken in by breathing.
By focusing on deep breathing while training, you will be able to take in more oxygen, which will enable you to endure higher intensity training and ultimately burn more energy.
In addition, irregular breathing can raise blood pressure and put a lot of strain on blood vessels. You should be especially careful not to hold your breath while training.
When working with heavy weights, many people try to hold their breath while lifting the dumbbells.
However, if breathing stops, the body cannot receive enough oxygen, which can lead to symptoms such as oxygen deficiency.
Lack of oxygen during training can be extremely dangerous as it can cause dizziness.
When doing strength training, be sure to breathe properly to reduce strain on your blood vessels and maximize the results.
Tip 2: Maintain your posture
It is important to maintain good posture while performing the movement.
Since dumbbell reverse flys require you to always lean forward, be careful not to bend your knees too much.
If you bend your knees too much, excessive stress will be placed on them, which can lead to injury. When training, be aware of not bending your knees beyond your toes.
Also, be aware not to move your elbows too much when lifting the dumbbells. If you move your elbows too much during the movement, the load will be placed on parts of your body other than your back, making it difficult to train your back efficiently.
To pinpoint your back, be careful not to move your elbows too much.
Tip 3: Lower the dumbbells slowly
When lowering the dumbbells away from your shoulders, make sure to do so slowly.
In dumbbell reverse flys, load is applied not only when the dumbbells are raised but also when they are lowered.
If you return the dumbbells to their starting position too quickly, the load on your back will be removed when you lower them, reducing the effectiveness of the exercise by half.
As you repeat the repetitions, fatigue accumulates in your back, so you tend to bring the dumbbells back with too much force. However, when you are tired, you can maximize the effect of your muscle training by paying attention to your form and slowly bringing the dumbbells back with load.
Remember that training ends when you lower the dumbbells , and be conscious of moving slowly.
Dumbbell Reverse Fly - Recommended Repetitions and Weight

In this chapter, we will explain the approximate weight you should use for dumbbell reverse flys and the number of repetitions you should do.
The weight you use when doing strength training will vary depending on your level of skill, and the number of repetitions will also depend on the purpose of the training.
Especially when you first start weight training, only train to the extent that you can comfortably do so.
Pushing yourself too hard with heavy weights can lead to injury , so take your time and gradually increase the number of repetitions and weight.
Estimated number of times
The number of repetitions per set will vary depending on your training goals.
If you want to build muscle, the number of repetitions per set is 8 to 12. Once you can do more than 8 to 12 repetitions with the same weight, you can try lifting heavier weights to increase muscle mass.
Also, if your goal is to lose weight, the recommended number of repetitions is 12 to 15. Lowering the weight and increasing the number of repetitions will promote fat burning more than if your goal is to build muscle.
Weight guideline
For beginners, the recommended weight is 3 to 5 kg per hand .
In the first place, dumbbell reverse fly is an exercise that is difficult to handle with heavy weights, so it is better to focus on performing it with correct form rather than the weight.
Beginners need to be conscious of their form while using dumbbells, so even low weights are sufficient for training when you first start.
Once you have learned the form and become accustomed to the training, you can step up to 5-10 kg with one hand . However, as you increase the weight, the load also increases, making it easier for your form to break down.
If you find it difficult to pay attention to your form as you increase the weight, try increasing it by 1kg in small increments to find the optimum weight.
Number of sets
A good training goal is to do 3 sets .
Beginners are not used to training, so it is difficult for them to push their muscles to their limits in one set.
Doing the same exercise multiple times makes it easier to work your muscles, so even beginners can get an effective workout.
Once you get used to the training, it is recommended that you try increasing the number of sets.
A good tip is to have intervals (rest periods) between sets.
If you start a second set straight after finishing the first set, you will remain fatigued, which can lead to poor form and breathing.
If you cannot maintain proper form and breathing, your training will not be effective, so be sure to leave a sufficient interval between sets so that you can exert your strength in each set. The recommended interval is 1 to 2 minutes .
Benefits of dumbbell reverse fly

In addition to improving muscle strength, dumbbell reverse flys are also an exercise that can improve your posture and relieve stiffness .
This is recommended not only for those who want to build up their back muscles, but also for those who are concerned about their posture or suffer from severe stiffness.
Dumbbell reverse flys are the perfect exercise for those who want to improve their daily lives through muscle training, so let's deepen our understanding in this chapter.
The body looks big
Dumbbell reverse flys can help strengthen your back and make your body appear bigger.
The latissimus dorsi, which is trained with dumbbell reverse flys, occupies most of the back and covers the center of the back to the sides .
When you train your back muscles, they become wider and thicker, making your upper body look bigger. Your shoulders also become wider, giving you a more muscular appearance, and creating a silhouette that makes it obvious that you've trained your back just by looking at it.
If you want to achieve broad shoulders and a slim waist, known as the "inverted triangle," you should train your latissimus dorsi with dumbbell reverse flys.
Also, since the latissimus dorsi is one of the largest muscles in the body, training it can help improve your basal metabolic rate.
Simply put, basal metabolism is the energy consumed even when doing nothing. Increasing your basal metabolism means you consume more energy per day, so the more large muscles you train, the easier it is to lose weight and the harder it is to gain weight.
Dumbbell reverse flys are also effective for anyone wanting to achieve and maintain the ideal silhouette.
Improves stiffness
Dumbbell reverse flys are also effective in relieving stiffness.
Many people experience stiffness in their neck and shoulders in their daily lives. The main cause of stiffness is stiff muscles around the neck and shoulders .
When muscles are stiff, they put pressure on the surrounding blood vessels, causing blood flow to stagnate. When blood flow stagnates, waste products from the muscles are not excreted and instead accumulate, resulting in heavy neck and shoulder pain.
The best way to improve stiffness is to loosen stiff muscles, improve blood flow, and avoid creating an environment that allows waste products to accumulate.
The trapezius muscles, which are trained with dumbbell reverse flys, are the muscles around the neck, and through training you can relieve muscle tension and hopefully improve stiffness .
When neck and shoulder stiffness worsens, it can interfere with your daily life. Dumbbell reverse flyes are recommended for those who are currently suffering from stiffness, but they can also be useful in preventing future stiffness problems.
Improved posture
Dumbbell reverse flys can help improve your posture.
Examples of bad posture include hunched backs, where the back and shoulders are rounded, and arched lower backs, where the pelvis is tilted too far forward.
In particular, slouching not only affects your appearance, but also your health. The spine contains nerves called the autonomic nervous system, so slouching can affect the autonomic nervous system as well.
Since autonomic nervous system disorders can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and dizziness, it is important to improve your posture as soon as possible.
The main cause of slouching is said to be rounded shoulders, in which the left and right shoulder blades are rounded forward.
Rounded shoulders can be improved by loosening the muscles around the shoulders, so dumbbell reverse flys, a movement that focuses on the shoulders and shoulder blades, are effective .
Things to note when doing dumbbell reverse flys

In this chapter, we will explain the points to be careful about when performing dumbbell reverse flys at home.
Strength training is easy to do and can easily become a habit, but there are a few points to keep in mind when doing it at home. In addition to creating an environment for the strength training room, you will also need to take measures against noise when handling heavy dumbbells.
Also, since muscle training puts stress on the body, warm-up exercises are essential.
In order to create a muscle training environment that suits you and train comfortably, be sure to keep the following points in mind beforehand.
Point 1: Take precautions to prevent the dumbbells from dropping
When doing dumbbell reverse flys at home, it is a good idea to use a mat to protect yourself from falling.
Dumbbells used for muscle training weigh around 3 to 5 kg at their lightest, but the impact noise they make when dropped is loud. If you live in an apartment, there is a risk of disturbing your neighbors, so you need to be careful.
Also, if you drop a heavy dumbbell on the floor, it will get scratched , so if you're renting, there's a risk that you'll incur costs when you move out.
If you live in a rental property or apartment and need to take measures against noise and scratches, you can take measures by laying down mats.
Rubber mats for gyms come in 1m square sizes, and some are even available as joint mats that can be used by combining multiple mats.
At Uchino Gym, you can purchase mats that can be used at home. They have everything from 1m square rubber mats to joint mats, so if you're looking to start training at home, try looking for a mat at Uchino Gym.
» Uchinogym Gym Mat Product List
Tip 2: Choose the right dumbbells for you
When working out at home, make sure you have the right dumbbells for you.
There are two main types of dumbbells: those with fixed weights and those with adjustable weights.
If you know exactly how much weight you need to use, it's a good idea to use dumbbells of a set weight.
However, beginners tend to increase the weight as they get used to the form during the training process. Therefore, if you use dumbbells with a fixed weight, you will need to buy new dumbbells every time you increase the weight .
Since this is not realistic from a financial standpoint, one option for beginners is to use adjustable dumbbells . Adjustable dumbbells allow you to freely change the weight, so you don't have to buy new dumbbells even if your weight increases.
At Uchino Gym, you can choose from a variety of dumbbells, from urethane dumbbells with fixed weights to adjustable dumbbells. If you don't have a dumbbell yet, or don't have one that suits you, choose a dumbbell at Uchino Gym.
» Uchinogym dumbbell product list
Caution #3: Don't jump right into the set
When you start weight training, be careful not to jump straight into a set.
Starting training with heavy dumbbells without preparing beforehand can lead to injury. Once you get injured, there is a risk that you will not be able to exercise for a long time, so be sure to stretch your body before starting muscle training.
Stretching can be divided into two main types: dynamic stretching and static stretching.
Dynamic stretching increases the flexibility of muscles and joints and reduces the risk of injury, so it is a good idea to do dynamic stretching before strength training.
Since dumbbell reverse flys involve frequent movement around the shoulder blades, we recommend stretching your shoulders .
To stretch your shoulders, follow these steps:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Bend your elbows slightly and place your hands near your shoulders
- While focusing on your core, rotate your elbows in a circular motion.
Dynamic stretching allows you to move your body widely, contracting your muscles and increasing your flexibility. When doing shoulder rotation stretches, try to rotate your elbows widely from your shoulders.
Dumbbell reverse flys are a great way to effectively train your back muscles
Dumbbell reverse flys are a great way to train your back muscles, such as your latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and rhomboids.
You can easily train with just dumbbells, so if you want to train regularly at home, why not try this as your main back exercise?
For beginners, focusing on form and breathing rather than weight is the quickest way to improve.
Don't worry if you can't lift the weight, but instead imagine your back muscles and move slowly.
In addition, when training at home, it is recommended that you not only prepare dumbbells, but also a mat to prevent noise and scratches.
Uchino Gym offers a wide range of equipment that is useful for muscle training at home , so be sure to check it out when you start muscle training at home.