What are the effects of Bulgarian squats? We explain the correct way to do them and the number of repetitions required.


Bulgarian squats are essential for training the lower body efficiently. They are a muscle training that can be done at home, but many people do not know the correct way to do them or how many repetitions to do them.

In this article,

  • Effects of Bulgarian squats
  • Bulgarian squat precautions
  • How to do Bulgarian squats correctly and how many repetitions

We will explain about:

Even if you don't have equipment such as dumbbells, you can easily do Bulgarian squats with items found in your home. If you are doing muscle training at home and want to strengthen your lower body or add more training exercises, please refer to the contents of this article.

Parts trained with Bulgarian squats

Parts trained with Bulgarian squats

Bulgarian squats mainly train the lower body, such as the hip joints and thighs . Because they are a high-stress exercise that only uses your own body weight, they can be used for efficient muscle training at home.

The areas that Bulgarian squats work are as follows:

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Gluteus medius
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Six hip external rotators

The gluteus maximus is the muscle that makes up the majority of the buttocks, and the gluteus medius is the muscle located on the upper part of the buttocks. The quadriceps are located on the front of the thighs, and the hamstrings are located on the back of the thighs. The 6 hip external rotators refer to the muscles around the hip joint and play a role in stabilizing the hip joint.

As mentioned above, the Bulgarian squat can effectively train many muscles in the lower body . If you can strengthen the muscles in your lower body, you can smoothly perform exercises that put stress on your pelvis and lower body, such as going up and down stairs and walking.

This is a perfect event for those who want to keep their legs strong as they age.

Effects of Bulgarian squats

Effects of Bulgarian squats

In this chapter, we will explain the effects and benefits of Bulgarian squats .

Bulgarian squats, which train the lower body, not only strengthen the legs and hips, but also improve posture and boost your basal metabolic rate.

This is a recommended menu for those who want to lose weight easily or achieve a beautiful body line , so make sure you understand its effects before incorporating it into your home training.

Effect 1: Hip lift

Bulgarian squats can help lift your hips . Unlike regular squats, Bulgarian squats are an exercise that works the gluteus maximus (buttocks muscles) .

Regular squats can also train the gluteus maximus, but since they primarily train the quadriceps muscles in the front of the thighs, Bulgarian squats are recommended if your goal is to lift your hips.

In addition, because Bulgarian squats are done on one leg at a time, they are easier to load than squats done on both legs. By placing one foot on the platform, the angle of the hip joint is increased, which stimulates the gluteus maximus more and increases the effect of lifting the hips.

As mentioned above, Bulgarian squats are a type of exercise that can be done using only your own body weight, making them easy for beginners to do, and they are especially recommended for women looking to build muscle mass by lifting their hips .

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Effect 2: Improves basal metabolism

Bulgarian squats are a training that can also improve your basal metabolism . Basal metabolism refers to the energy that is naturally consumed in a day, and is different from the energy consumed through training.

In order to increase your basal metabolism, you need to train your large muscles and increase your muscle mass. Bulgarian squats can train the gluteus maximus and quadriceps, which are the largest muscles in your lower body . Increasing muscle mass in the gluteus maximus and quadriceps also increases your basal metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.

If your goal in weight training is to lose weight, we recommend Bulgarian squats, which can increase your basal metabolic rate while also increasing your daily energy expenditure.

Effect 3: Improved lower body strength

The Bulgarian squat is an exercise that will help you develop lower body strength .

Bulgarian squats are good for improving lower body strength because they train the gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, etc. Also, they focus on training the muscles around the thighs, which has the benefit of making your legs toned and beautiful .

If you are a woman looking for a workout to improve your hips or get beautiful legs, we recommend the Bulgarian squat. Even for men, you can tighten your lower body with the Bulgarian squat and get a well-defined body line.

Effect 4: Improved posture

Bulgarian squats have the effect of improving your posture . If you are concerned about poor posture in your daily life, why not try doing Bulgarian squats?

Bulgarian squats train the adductor muscles that support the pelvis and hip joints. The adductor muscles are located on the inside of the thighs, and when developed, they have the great benefit of stabilizing walking and improving posture when sitting .

In addition, training your adductor muscles will tighten your thighs, so you can kill two birds with one stone by getting beautiful legs . Even if you do muscle training, you won't be able to create a beautiful body line if your posture is bad. With Bulgarian squats, you can train your muscles and improve your posture to get the body line you want.

The correct way to do Bulgarian squats and how many repetitions to get the most out of them

The correct way to do Bulgarian squats and how many repetitions to get the most out of them

Here's how to properly perform a Bulgarian squat:

  1. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, front and back
  2. Point the toes of your front foot forward and place the toes of your back foot on the platform (standing on one leg)
  3. Bend your front knee until it is at a 90-degree angle, then lower your upper body.
  4. Extend your hips and knees to return to the starting position
  5. Repeat the above steps

If you are doing this at home, you can use a chair or a small step ladder as a platform to rest one foot on.

If you are doing Bulgarian squats for the first time, you are not used to the movement, so an unnatural posture increases the risk of injury. Don't force yourself, and if it is difficult to bend to 90 degrees, try a shallower angle.

Once you get used to the movement, try bending your knees to 90 degrees. The basic number of repetitions is 10 repetitions for each leg, for a total of 3 sets.

Since this is an exercise where the load increases when done on one leg at a time, adjust the number of sets to two if you can't do three sets.

Bulgarian squat precautions

Bulgarian squat precautions

In this chapter, we will explain the points to be careful about when doing Bulgarian squats .

To maximize the effect of Bulgarian squats, it is important to perform them with the correct form. Of course, it is also important to complete the number of sets, but the higher the load when performing one leg at a time, the higher the risk of injury.

While you are not used to the Bulgarian squat form, do not push yourself too hard and adjust by reducing the number of sets or the number of repetitions per set . In this article, we will explain the key points to keep in mind when doing Bulgarian squats and what you should be aware of to reduce the risk of injury.

Tip 1: Don't round your back

When doing Bulgarian squats, be careful not to round your back . If your back is rounded, you will not be able to maintain the correct posture, and you will not be able to effectively train the parts of your body that are supposed to be trained. You will not be able to achieve the benefits of Bulgarian squats, so make sure to keep your back straight.

In addition, if your back is rounded, your core will not be able to exert force, and excessive strain will be placed on your knees, hips, etc. This is a high-stress type of bodyweight training, and poor posture can cause pain in your knees and hips, so please be careful.

In order to avoid rounding your back, be aware of pushing your stomach forward and sticking your chest out while doing the exercise. Sticking your chest out makes it easier to straighten your back and stabilize your posture, reducing the risk of injury.

Tip 2: Make your movements more dynamic

The key to doing Bulgarian squats is to move your body in a dynamic way . Specifically, move your body slowly when lowering it and quickly when lifting it up.

Lowering yourself slowly allows your muscles to contract for longer, and then raising yourself quickly gives your muscles explosive power.

By adding some variety to your movements, you increase the load, making it easier to get the most out of your muscle training. Also, lowering your body slowly helps you maintain the correct form , so it's a movement that even beginners should be aware of.

Even in the early stages of trying this, be sure to pay attention to the balance of your movements.

Tip 3: Be mindful of your knee position

When doing Bulgarian squats, pay close attention to the position of your knees . If you do the Bulgarian squat incorrectly, it will put extra strain on your knees and cause injury. The correct position for your knees is to point straight ahead during the movement .

However, if your knee turns inward or goes forward over your toes when you lower your body, excessive stress will be placed on your knee. Because the movement is performed on one leg, even a mistake in position can put a lot of strain on your knee, so care must be taken.

If you can't fix the position of your knees, try keeping your feet apart wider. If your feet are too narrow, your knees may go forward beyond your toes, or you may lose balance and your knees may move inward. To maintain good posture, keep your feet apart and move slowly, paying attention to the position of your knees.

Tip 4: Adjust the height of the stand

When doing Bulgarian squats, pay attention to the height of the platform. As a guideline, choosing a platform that is about 30 to 40 cm high will make it easier for your body to stabilize and help you maintain the correct form.

However, the higher the height of the platform, the higher the load will be. It is recommended that you increase the height of the platform once you have become accustomed to the Bulgarian squat movement and begin to feel that the load is not enough.

Beginners should avoid using a high platform and train slowly, taking care not to injure themselves. Beginners should start with a platform that is lower than the knees and at about the same height as the shins.

Useful tools for doing Bulgarian squats

Useful tools for doing Bulgarian squats

In this chapter, we will explain the tools that are useful for doing Bulgarian squats at home . Bulgarian squats are a training that can be easily done with your own body weight, but using tools will enhance the effect.

For example, by using barbells or dumbbells you can freely change the load, and by introducing a bench you can train without having to use furniture as a footrest.

If you have the equipment at home, you can use it for other training as well , so consider getting it.

Tool 1: Flat bench

To start doing Bulgarian squats , you'll need a platform to place your feet on, so a flat bench will come in handy .

Although you can use a chair or a small stepladder at home, it takes time and effort to move them every time you train and put them back in their proper place after you finish. If there is even one task that you find tedious during the training process, it will be difficult to make training at home a habit.

Since the flat bench is for training, there is no need to move the chair back to the table. Also, the bench has a highly cushioned pad, so you don't need to train on a hard material like a chair.

If you are considering using a flat bench for your home training, take a look at Uchino Gym's products.
»Flat bench product list

Tool #2: Barbell

Once you become accustomed to the Bulgarian squat movement, you can add weight using a barbell for a more effective workout.

Bodyweight training can be a great way to apply a lot of strain, but as your strength increases, your bodyweight alone may not be enough. In such cases, it is recommended to use a barbell, as you can apply a higher strain.

Generally, a barbell weighs 15 to 20 kg, so it is recommended to use one once you are accustomed to weight training. If you have a barbell, you can use it for muscle training other than Bulgarian squats, so the range of training will expand and muscle training will become more fun.

Uchino Gym has a wide selection of barbell products, so be sure to check them out if you're thinking of using a barbell at home.
»Barbell product list

Tool 3: Dumbbells

You can expect even more results from the Bulgarian squat by using dumbbells. By performing the Bulgarian squat movement with dumbbells in both hands, you can easily increase the load. The advantage of dumbbells is that they can be handled from as light as 2.5 kg, so even beginners can easily incorporate them into their training.

If a barbell is too heavy, dumbbells will be easier to handle. Uchino Gym offers a variety of dumbbells, including urethane dumbbells with various weight settings and adjustable dumbbells that allow you to easily change the weight.

When choosing dumbbells for the first time, consider Uchino Gym.

»Dumbbell product list

To get the most out of Bulgarian squats, you need to do them the right way

Bulgarian squats are an exercise that you can easily do at home to train your lower body. It is important to train with the correct posture, so first try to move slowly and learn the form to prevent injury.

In addition, you can increase the load of the Bulgarian squat by using equipment, so you can expect even greater results. Uchino Gym has a wide selection of equipment that is useful for Bulgarian squats. If you train at home, consider Uchino Gym when choosing your equipment.
»Uchino Gym

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