Introducing the average bench press weight by weight and gender! What are the key points and precautions?


The bench press is a typical exercise for training the pectoral muscles. It is known to a wide range of people because it is an exercise that even beginners can do, but many people are concerned about how the weight they lift compares to the average.

In this article,

  • Average bench press weight
  • Bench press movement tips
  • Tips for increasing bench press weight

We will explain about:

In addition, we provide separate explanations for the average weight for men and women, so please use this information to help you understand your current situation.

Average weight lifted per bench press

Average weight lifted per bench press

In this chapter, we will explain the average weight you can lift in one bench press. If you are doing muscle training, you may have wondered how much weight you can lift at most.

The weight you can lift once represents the maximum weight you can currently lift . It can also be useful for beginners to understand your current situation, so please use it as a reference when deciding on the weight you should aim for in your regular training. Below, we will explain the average maximum weight for men and women by weight.

Male average

The average maximum bench press values ​​for men in the 60kg to 100kg weight range are as follows. Note that these figures are for beginners who have been doing strength training for about a month.

body weight

Bench Press Weight



















Reference source: “Strength Level”

The numbers in the table show that even beginners can lift weights close to their body weight. If you are currently bench pressing, use the numbers as a reference to understand your current situation and determine the weight you should aim for.

If your score is below the average, it may be a good idea to start by aiming for the average score and continuing your muscle training.

Also, if your score is above the average, it is recommended that you use it as motivation for your daily training so that you can clear even heavier weights.

Female average

Below are the average maximum bench press values ​​for women in the 40kg to 80kg weight range . As with the men's average, these figures are for beginners who have been doing strength training for about a month.

body weight

Bench Press Weight



















Reference source: “Strength Level”

For women, the average weight is close to half their body weight. The weight of the barbell used for bench press is 20 kg without weights.

Therefore, when doing bench presses with weights, be careful as it may be too much of a strain for women. At first, you can get enough training with just a barbell, so don't push yourself and gradually train to get closer to the average.

Average weight by level

In this chapter, we will divide levels from beginners to athletes and compare average values ​​by weight. When dividing men by level, the average bench press values ​​are as follows:




























































Reference source: “Strength Level”

The level details are as follows: beginners have no experience in weight training, novices have one month of weight training experience, intermediates have six months of weight training experience, advanced have more than two years of weight training experience, and athletes have more than five years of weight training experience .

If you can bench press more than your own body weight, you can say you are at an intermediate level . At the advanced or athletic level, you will find that you are lifting weights between 30kg and nearly double your own body weight.

If you want to continue weight training and increase the weight, use the numbers in the table as motivation.

Next, if we divide women into different levels, the average bench press values ​​are as follows:




























































Reference source: “Strength Level”

For women, you reach the advanced level when you lift more than your body weight. Even at the intermediate level, you can lift weights close to your body weight, so why not aim for the intermediate level first?

However, since women have less muscle strength than men, it is important not to push yourself too hard. Handling heavy weights suddenly can lead to injury, so be sure to set a weight that is not too difficult for you.

Tips for increasing bench press weight

Tips for increasing bench press weight

In this chapter, we will introduce tips on how to increase the weight you can bench press.

Bench press is a training that mainly trains the pectoral muscles, but it also works on other parts of the body, so if you can't increase the weight, it is also effective to train other muscles . It is also a good idea to use equipment to support the area where the load is applied.

Tip 1: Warm up

If you want to increase the weight of your bench press, be sure to warm up. Since strength training puts a high load on the muscles, if you do not warm up, the muscles will not loosen up and it will be difficult to exert your original strength.

Also, if you start a set without warming up, you will lift a heavy weight with your muscles still stiff, increasing the risk of injury. Since the bench press also uses the shoulder muscles, it is a good idea to stretch your shoulder joints.

Another recommended way to warm up is to bench press with a weight that is lighter than what you normally use.

Tip 2: Work other muscles

If you want to increase the weight of your bench press, it is also effective to train other muscles. The bench press mainly trains the chest muscles, but it also works the deltoids in the shoulders and the triceps, which are the muscles at the back of the arms.

Of course, increasing the muscle mass of your pectoral muscles is important, but increasing the muscle mass of your deltoids and triceps, which are involved in the movement, will enable you to withstand heavy barbell weights.

Also, when your weight doesn't increase, it's easy to lose motivation. At times like these, it's recommended that you focus on training your deltoids and triceps instead of bench presses, as this will help you change your mood and increase the chances of increasing your bench press weight .

If you want to know more about how to train your triceps, check out the following article:
»How to do reverse dips (push-ups)? Effectively train your triceps

Tip 3: Use wrist wraps

If you are unable to increase the weight of your bench press, we recommend using wrist wraps. Wrist wraps are a device that can stabilize and protect your wrists .

When lifting the barbell during bench press, the wrists are put under stress, so supporting the wrists with wrist wraps makes it easier to lift the weight. Wrist wraps also help to prevent excessive stress on the wrists, helping to prevent injury.

Wrist wraps come in a variety of lengths, from 30cm to 90cm, but if you are lifting heavy weights, use ones that are 60cm or longer. Longer wrist wraps may take longer to wrap around your wrist and may feel a bit tight, but they are more stable and are suitable for lifting heavy weights.

Shorter wrist wraps are better for when you are not lifting heavy weights such as your own weight, so choose a wrist wrap length that suits your needs.

Bench press movement points

Bench press movement points

In this chapter, we will explain the key points of bench press movement. If you understand the key points of movement, you can check whether your form is correct.

In some cases, correcting your form can increase the weight , so be sure to check your own form and make sure you're paying attention to the key points.

Tip 1: Bring your shoulder blades together and stick out your chest

When doing bench presses, be aware of bringing your shoulder blades together and sticking your chest out. If you do bench presses without bringing your shoulder blades together, it puts extra strain on your shoulder joints, which can lead to injury.

To effectively load the pectoral muscles, bring your shoulder blades together and stick your chest out when you start the movement. When bringing your shoulder blades together, be careful not to shrug your shoulders.

When your shoulders are hunched, unnecessary force is being placed on your shoulders , so even if you do bench presses, you will not be able to work your pectoral muscles efficiently. Relax your shoulders and try not to put force on unnecessary parts of your body.

Tip 2: Keep your wrists straight

When doing bench presses, be careful not to bend your wrists. If you are holding a barbell, your wrists may bend excessively due to being unable to withstand the weight.

If your wrists are bent, you are more likely to get injured, so try to hold the barbell with your wrists straight. If you find that your wrists are bent due to the weight, we recommend using the wrist wraps mentioned above when training.

Another way to grip the barbell without bending your wrists is to try bench pressing with a light weight, focusing on keeping your wrists straight. When lifting heavy weights, your focus is on lifting the barbell, making it difficult to correct the bad habit in your wrists . Check your grip with a light weight so that you can focus on your wrists, and then gradually increase the weight.

Tip 3: Put pressure on your thumbs

When gripping the barbell during bench press, try to be conscious of putting pressure on your thumbs. If you put pressure on your thumbs, it will be easier to apply force during the bench press, making it easier to challenge yourself with a heavy weight.

In muscle training, it is easier to apply force when pushing with your thumb and when pulling with your little finger. Since the bench press involves pushing up a barbell, you should focus on your thumb.

In addition, a common way to hold a barbell in bench press is the "thumb-around grip." The thumb-around grip is recommended because it allows you to wrap your thumbs around the barbell and put in more force .

You can wrap the barbell in your palm, so you can train while ensuring stability. When doing bench presses, grip the barbell firmly and put pressure on your thumbs to perform the movement.

Things to note when doing bench press

Things to note when doing bench press

In this chapter, we will explain the precautions to take when doing bench press. Since bench press is an exercise that involves lifting heavy weights, it is important to set the appropriate weight to prevent injury .

Also, when doing multiple sets of training, it is important to take ample rest periods. Furthermore, bench press is an exercise that can easily put strain on the shoulders and elbows. Changing your grip can help reduce strain on your shoulders and elbows, which we will explain in detail in this chapter.

Tip 1: Be careful with the weight you handle

When bench pressing, be careful about the weight you use. Choosing the wrong weight increases the risk of injury. Beginners, in particular, are prone to choosing the wrong weight because they don't know their own level and haven't mastered the correct form.

It's a good idea to first understand your own level and see how much weight you can lift, for example by referring to the weights for each weight class and level mentioned above. Please note that if the weight is too light, the effect of muscle hypertrophy will be reduced. It is important to set a weight that is not too difficult, but if the weight is too light, it will not put a strain on your muscles.

Select a weight that puts a certain amount of strain on you, and train with a weight that you can do 10 times per set. Once you have selected the weight, do not change it during the set. If you are unsure about the weight, we recommend finding someone to help you and creating an environment where you are not training alone.

Tip #2: Rest well between sets

When doing bench presses, be sure to take a rest period between sets. Don't push yourself too hard, as fatigue increases your risk of injury.

Also, if you don't take a sufficient interval before starting the next set, you may not be able to increase the number of repetitions. It is important to do muscle training repeatedly to put stress on your muscles.

If you do fewer repetitions, the load will also be reduced, making for less efficient training. After finishing one set, take a breather and prepare yourself before starting the next set.

The general guideline for intervals is 2 to 3 minutes. As the duration of muscle training increases and the weight gradually increases, it is also recommended to take intervals of about 5 minutes. Always remember that sufficient intervals are essential for efficient training.

Tip 3: Adjust your grip on the barbell

When doing the bench press, you also need to pay attention to the width of your grip on the barbell. There are three main ways to grip the barbell:

Normal grip

Wide Grip

Narrow Grip


- Grip the bar so that your elbows are at a 90 degree angle when you lower it

・You can train your pectoral muscles while reducing the strain on your elbows and shoulders.

-Hold the grip wider than normal

・Although it puts more strain on the shoulders, it is effective for training the outer pectoral muscles and deltoid muscles.

-Hold the grip narrower than normal

・Although it puts more strain on the elbows, it is effective for training the inner pectoral muscles and triceps.

A normal grip is where your elbows are at a 90 degree angle when you lower the bar.

It's easy to remember that a wider grip than a normal grip is a wide grip, and a narrow grip is a narrow grip. The advantage of a normal grip is that it reduces strain on your shoulders and elbows.

Beginners should use a normal grip. A wide grip puts more strain on the shoulders, but is effective for training the outer pectoral muscles and deltoids.

In addition, a narrow grip puts more strain on your elbows, but it is effective for training the inner pectoral muscles and triceps. By simply changing your grip, you can train various parts of your body, so it's a good idea to start with a normal grip, and then change your grip depending on your purpose as you get used to it.

Useful tools for bench pressing

Useful tools for bench pressing

In this chapter, we will introduce some useful tools for bench pressing. Bench pressing is an exercise that can be easily performed at home with just the right tools.

However, if you do it at home, you will need to take measures to protect the floor and reduce noise. The tools introduced in this chapter are recommended for creating a training environment at home, so if you are considering doing bench presses at home, please refer to them.

Tool 1: Adjustable bench

Since the bench press is a training exercise performed using a bench, you will need a bench at home . There are flat benches that remain horizontal and adjustable benches that allow you to change the angle.

A flat bench is sufficient for bench pressing, but if you plan to do long-term muscle training at home, we recommend an adjustable bench with adjustable angle.

With an adjustable bench, you can change the angle of the bench to perform the "incline bench press." In addition to training your pectoral muscles, having one at home can help you train a variety of other parts of your body.

If you purchase a flat bench and then an adjustable bench later, you will have to deal with the hassle of disposing of it in a home where space is limited. If you get bored doing the same exercises over and over again, or if you want to add variety to your training, consider getting an adjustable bench.

Uchino Gym sells not only flat benches but also adjustable benches, so please check this out if you are considering purchasing one.

»Adjustable bench product list

Tool 2: Mat

Mats are essential equipment for training at home . Strength training often requires the use of heavy equipment to put stress on the muscles, and if you drop it on the floor, it can easily get damaged.

Also, if you live in an apartment, you need to be mindful of noise, so you can take measures against it by laying down a mat. Furthermore, with bench presses, there is a risk of damaging the floor when moving the bench.

In addition, if you keep a bench in the same place, there is a high possibility that the floor will get marks and dents over the years. Be sure to lay a mat down to prevent noise and scratches.

Uchino Gym offers a wide variety of mats, including joint mats that can be freely adjusted to any size indoors. When training at home, you can take precautions by using Uchino Gym mats.

»Mat product list

Tool #3: Barbell

Since bench press puts strain on the muscles by attaching weights to the barbell, a barbell is an essential tool . A typical barbell weighs 20 kg, so women can get a sufficient workout with just the barbell.

If 20kg is too heavy for you, you may want to consider a lighter 15kg barbell . Men can combine it with plates (weights) to adjust the load.

Uchino Gym has a wide variety of barbells. They have weights ranging from 15kg to 20kg, so if you are buying a barbell for the first time, choose one at Uchino Gym.

»Barbell Product List

Tool #4: Plate

Plates are necessary for adjusting the weight on the bench press. When using plates at home, it is a good idea to pay attention to the material.

The plates are mainly made of metal or rubber-coated. Rubber-coated plates are less likely to scratch walls or floors compared to metal plates.

When training at home, plates are easily scratched when dropped or moved, so use rubber-coated plates to prevent scratches.

Uchino Gym carries rubber-coated plates, so this can help you choose plates for training at home.

»Bumper Plate Product List

Use proper form to achieve your average bench press score

Knowing your average bench press score is useful for analyzing your current situation. Knowing your current level will give you an idea of ​​the weight you should aim for, and aiming for your average score will motivate you to continue working out .

Learn the correct bench press form to effectively train your pectoral muscles and work towards achieving your average score.

Uchino Gym has all the equipment you need to do muscle training at home. When creating your training environment, choose your equipment from Uchino Gym.
»Uchino Gym

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