Types Of Squat Machines And How To Use Them

Squats are one of the most basic exercises in weight training. This exercise involves repeatedly bending and extending the knee joint from an upright position, and is effective in increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength of the lower body muscle groups (quadriceps femoris, triceps surae, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, etc.). Nowadays, training is indispensable for body shaping and improving competitive performance.
On the other hand, squats are one of the exercises that can easily cause lower back and knee injuries, so it is extremely important to perform them with proper form. Squatting with free weights, especially with a barbell, takes practice to master proper form and requires good core stability as well as mobility in the hips, knees, spine, and ankles.
That's why the squat machine was developed.
The squat machine is a very useful machine for learning proper form. The machine is equipped with a safety system, so there is no risk of collapse like with barbell squats. It is also a great tool for athletes to gradually regain strength after an injury. This time we will introduce the types of squat machines currently in use and how to use them.
table of contents
Types of squat machines and how to use them
- Squat machine type 1 “Hack squat”
- Squat machine type 2 "belt squat"
- Squat machine type 3 “Pendulum squat”
- Squat machine type 4 “V squat”
- Types of squat machines Extra edition
Types of squat machines and how to use them
Squat machine type 1 “Hack squat”
The first type of squat machine is the hack squat. A hack squat is a squat performed by tilting the body backwards, and a special machine is used for the exercise. Lean on the pad diagonally and position yourself under the shoulder pad to take the weight of the weight plate from above. Then push the weight back upwards by bending your knees and standing up. The hack squat has an angled platform and shoulder pads, backrest, and handles that slide during the squat. The platform is usually set at 45°, but there are also types that allow you to adjust the angle as shown in the image above. Another feature of the hack squat machine is that it operates along a rail, similar to the Smith machine.
Benefits of using a hack squat machine
- Hack squats keep your upper body stationary, so you can focus your training on bending and stretching your lower body.
- Because of the above, even people who are concerned about core strength or upper body stability can try deep squats with heavy weights.
- You can also perform exercises with only one leg.
- By adjusting the position of your feet, you can change the area that is stimulated. A higher foot position will target your glutes, while a lower foot position will target your quadriceps.
- You can perform safer training when gradually increasing the intensity, such as after an injury.
- Because it is performed using machines, it requires less technique compared to free weights.
How to use hack squats
- Set the plate with appropriate weight.
- Step into the machine with your back and shoulders against the pad.
- Place your feet on the platform, about hip-width apart, and grab the handles near your shoulder pads.
- Push your legs to fully extend your hips and knees and remove the safety pin. This is the starting position.
- Slowly squat down and press through your heels to push back to the starting position.
- Repeat the set as many times as necessary.
Squat machine type 2 “belt squat”
The second type of squat machine is the belt squat. A belt squat is a type of squat in which you wrap a belt connected to a weight around your waist and stand up against the downward load. It is common to use a special machine like the one shown above, but there are also forms in which the weight is connected directly to a belt chain. In the belt squat machine shown above, the connection between the belt and the weight (lever arm) is via a cable, and the platform is equipped with an adjustable platform.
Benefits of using a belt squat machine
- Belt squats place more pressure on your lower body muscles and around your pelvis than free weight barbell squats, which can reduce pressure on your intervertebral discs. This allows you to perform heavy weight training more frequently.
- Incorporating belt squats can speed disc recovery and reduce injuries.
- Since there is no load on the upper body, you can focus on lower body movement and form.
- Similarly, there is no stress on the upper body, so you can perform squats even if you have neck or shoulder injuries.
- It requires not only the leg muscles, but also the muscles around the lower back and pelvis, as well as abdominal pressure, making it easier to connect the effects to regular squats.
How to use a belt squat machine
- Set the plate with appropriate weight.
- Connect the belt and cable via the carabiner.
- Place your feet in the appropriate position on the platform and grab the handle in front of you.
- Slowly squat down and push off the ground to push yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat the set as many times as necessary.
Squat machine type 3 “Pendulum squat”
The third type of squat machine is the pendulum squat. As the name suggests, the pendulum squat is a squat machine that swings like a pendulum. It is a new machine even by world standards, and it is still difficult to see even in Japan. Rest your body on the rear pad, set your feet on the foot plate, and perform a squat. The plates are stacked on the back and a counterweight is mounted on the other side.
Benefits of using a pendulum squat machine
- It performs the same motion as a squat, but greatly reduces stress on the back, so even people with back injuries can train.
- Due to its operating mechanism, high loads can be applied even with a small number of weight plates.
- You can perform squats through a full range of motion.
- You can target different muscle groups by adjusting the platform angle and foot placement.
How to use a pendulum squat machine
- Set the plate with appropriate weight.
- Adjust the angle of the platform.
- Grasp the handle with your back and shoulders against the pad and step onto the platform.
- Push your feet to fully extend your hips and knees and release the safety hook. This is the starting position.
- Slowly squat down and push off the ground to push yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat the set as many times as necessary.
Squat machine type 4 “V squat”
The fourth type of squat machine is the V-squat (power squat). The V-squat is a squat machine that works in a circular arc, allowing you to train with a motion that is very similar to a regular squat. A V-squat is similar to a hack squat, where you lean your body slightly back and push the weight back upwards by bending your knees and standing up. On the other hand, since the pad is not as tilted as in a hack squat, it is also possible to squat while leaning forward (reverse V-squat).
Benefits of using a V-squat machine
- Since it operates in an arcuate trajectory, it can reduce the strain on your back and knees.
- You can squat with a natural motion similar to a normal squat.
- You can safely learn the techniques necessary for barbell squats.
- You can also target your quadriceps muscles by doing reverse V-squats.
- You can perform safer training when gradually increasing the intensity, such as after an injury.
How to use the V-squat machine
- Set the plate with appropriate weight.
- Place your feet in appropriate positions on the platform (feet about shoulder width apart).
- Grip the handles with your back and shoulders against the pad.
- Push your feet to fully extend your hips and knees and release the safety hook. This is the starting position.
- Slowly squat down and push off the ground to push yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat the set as many times as necessary.
Types of squat machines Extra edition
We have introduced four squat machines so far, but Panatta also makes its own squat machines.
super power squat
This is Panatta's super squat machine . The mechanism is similar to the V-squat, but the motion is more similar to a squat than the V-squat. Since the load is received vertically, it puts a strain on the lower back, but unlike barbell squats, there is no wobbling, and there is no risk of collapse because there is a safety lever. This is the perfect machine to safely obtain effects similar to barbell squats.
squat lunge machine
Panatta's Squat Lunge allows you to perform lunge movements and single leg squats. These machines can be used not only for squats, but also for various training such as rowing, deadlifts, and shrugs, so it is very convenient to have one in your gym.
At the end
This time we introduced the types of squat machines and how to use them. More and more gyms are introducing squat machines as an alternative to barbell squats, which have a high risk of injury. Please feel free to contact Uchino Gym for any inquiries or estimates regarding squat machines.