How to train muscles with a cable machine? Detailed instructions and training for beginners


One of the muscle training methods is using a cable machine.

However, beginners may not know how to use the cables or which parts of the body are being trained .

In this article

  • What is a cable machine and how to use it?
  • How to train on a cable machine
  • Benefits of using a cable machine

We will introduce three of them.

We also explain the benefits of using cable machines, so if you're considering using a cable machine for strength training, be sure to read to the end.

What is a cable machine?

What is a cable machine?

A cable machine is a machine that allows you to apply stress to your muscles by pulling on a cable.

There is a weight attached to the end of the cable, and you can train your muscles by pulling the cable with one or both hands.

There are muscle training machines that are specialized for specific parts of the body, such as the arms, chest, and legs, but cable machines have the advantage of being able to train multiple parts of the body with one machine.

When you hear the term "training machine," some people may feel unsure about how to use it. However, cable machines allow you to easily train your muscles with simple movements, so you can use them with confidence.

Why cable machines are great for beginners

Why cable machines are great for beginners

Cable machines are easy to use, and you can train all parts of your body with just one machine, so even beginners can use them with ease. It's also easy to adjust the weight, and they're very safe, so you can train with peace of mind.

In this chapter, we will explain why cable machines are recommended for beginners to muscle training. Please refer to this if you are thinking of using a cable machine.

Reason 1: A wide variety of training options

There are many different exercises you can do with a cable machine.

Cable machines mainly involve muscle training by pulling on a cable, but they have the advantage that you can also train your abdominal muscles, pectoral muscles, and back muscles by simply changing the handle (attachment) or the position of the pulley through which the cable passes.

For beginners, it can be difficult just to learn how to use each training machine. In that case, if you learn how to use a cable machine, you will be able to train most parts of your body.

Another benefit is that even beginners can easily maintain good form. When fatigue accumulates during training, it is inevitable that your form will deteriorate.

However, unlike free weights such as dumbbells, cable machines have the advantage that the weights are connected to the cables, making it easier to stabilize the trajectory.

Even beginners will find it easy to maintain their form , so even if you train multiple sets, your form will be less likely to deteriorate due to fatigue.

Reason 2: It’s safe

Cable machines are a great option for beginners due to their safety.

When we think of muscle training, we usually think of training with dumbbells. Dumbbells can be used to train various parts of the body and are easy to use even for beginners, but if the weight is incorrect, they may fall.

Even the lightest dumbbells weigh a few kilograms, so if they fall on your body there is a possibility of injury.

On the other hand, cable machines do not require any equipment to be dropped, so even beginners can train with confidence, without worrying about it falling.

There is a weight attached to the end of the cable, so even if your hand slips, the handle will simply stop at the pulley part, so you don't have to worry about the weight falling on your body.

Beginners should actively use cable machines as they are one of the safest machines.

Also, when doing muscle training at home, you will mainly be using dumbbells, so a mat is essential to prevent slipping and absorb shock.

Uchino Gym offers mats for purchase that are useful for training, so be sure to check them out if you are setting up a muscle training environment at home.

» Uchinogym Gym Mat Product List

Reason 3: It’s easy to adjust the weight

The weight of a cable machine can be easily adjusted by simply replacing the weight pin at the end of the cable.

When using a barbell for muscle training, adjusting the weight requires changing the weights on both sides. Weights come in increments of 5 to 20 kg, and for beginners who are not used to heavy weights, even just changing the weights can be hard work.

Cable machines allow you to adjust the weight simply by changing the pins, so you can continue training without tiring yourself out.

Also, if you make a mistake with the weight, you can quickly switch to a lighter weight, which is an advantage of cable machines . Cable machines are safe and easy to use, so they are recommended for beginners.

Cable machine training methods that even beginners can follow

Cable machine training methods that even beginners can follow

In this chapter, we will explain how to train using cable machines in a way that even beginners can easily do.

Cable machines have the advantage of being able to train almost all parts of the body. They can train almost the entire body, from large muscles such as the chest and back muscles to shoulders and abdominal muscles, so even beginners can train their muscles efficiently.

If you want to complete your muscle training using a cable machine, make sure you understand how to train each part of the body.

Method 1: Cable Fly

Cable fly is an exercise that trains the pectoral muscles using a cable machine . The pectoral muscles are the muscles in the chest and are the largest muscles in the body, so they help increase your basal metabolism.

The training methods are as follows:

  • Bring your shoulder blades together and grasp the attachment (handle) with your arms open.
  • Keeping your elbows straight, close your arms by bringing your palms together.
  • Once closed, slowly return to the original position in the same trajectory.
  • Repeat the above steps

If you do not bring your shoulder blades together properly at the start, your shoulder muscles will be strained. When you grab the attachment, be sure to bring your shoulder blades together and maintain the correct posture before starting the movement. Also, make sure to keep your shoulder blades together throughout the training.

The structure of the pectoral muscles is divided into upper, middle, and lower parts. By moving your arms in parallel with your chest, or by changing the position of the pulley and moving from top to bottom, you can train in all directions.

Method 2: Cable crunches

Cable crunches are an exercise that uses a cable machine to train your abdominal muscles .

This is how it works:

  • Move the cable pulley to the top
  • Kneel in front of the machine and hold the overhead attachment.
  • Bend your body as if you are rounding your abdominal muscles.
  • Return to original position on the same track
  • Repeat the above steps

The key is to exhale when bending your body and inhale when returning to the starting position.

Also, since cable crunches use a cable machine to train your abdominal muscles, be careful not to use your arms to bend the cable. When you get tired, you tend to pull the cable with your arms, but this puts strain on your arm muscles.

You can train by contracting your abdominal muscles, so to efficiently apply pressure to specific points, use your abdominal muscles as a fulcrum when pulling the cable.

Method 3: Cable rowing

Cable rowing is an exercise that uses a cable machine to train the back muscles .

It is mainly useful for training the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles. The latissimus dorsi in particular is one of the largest muscles in the body, so it improves basal metabolism just like the pectoralis major.

This is how it works:

  • Sit with your legs stretched out on the seat
  • Stand tall and hold the attachment with your arms outstretched
  • Bring your shoulder blades together and bend your elbows, pulling the cable up to your stomach.
  • Once the cable is fully pulled, it returns to its original position along the same trajectory.
  • Repeat the above steps

Be careful not to raise your shoulders too much while pulling the cable, and keep your shoulder blades together. When pulling the cable, exhale, then exhale as you return to the starting position.

The following article provides more detailed information about the benefits of cable rowing and points to note when doing it. Please refer to it when you start training for the first time.
» What is cable rowing? An easy-to-understand explanation of the exercises and points to note that effectively train your back

Method 4: Cable front raise

The cable front raise is a shoulder exercise using a cable machine . It mainly helps train the deltoids.
This is how it works:

  • Move the cable pulley to its lowest position
  • Stand with your back to the cable machine
  • Pass the cable between your legs and hold the attachment with both hands.
  • Keep your elbows slightly bent and pull the cable until it is parallel to your shoulders.
  • Slowly return to the original position
  • Repeat the above steps

Be careful not to bring your shoulder blades together or arch your torso during the movement. Try to keep your body in the same position and only move your arms.

Method 5: Cable Pressdown

The cable pressdown is an exercise that uses a cable machine to train the triceps .

The triceps is a muscle located at the back of the upper arm, and is mainly used when extending the elbow. When we think of arm muscles, we generally think of the biceps at the front of the arm, but by training the triceps, the back of the arm is also developed, which has the benefit of adding volume to the entire arm.

This is how it works:

  • Move the cable pulley above overhead
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, face the machine, and hold the attachment with both hands.
  • Lean your upper body forward and fold your arms around your sides.
  • Keeping your elbow stationary, press down on the cable until your arm is fully extended.
  • Be careful not to move your elbows, and return them to their original position.
  • Repeat the above steps

Be careful not to move your shoulders up or down during the movement. Also, if the angle of your elbows changes, the strain will be placed on your chest and back muscles instead of your triceps.

To target your triceps, be sure to keep your elbows at a fixed angle when training.

The benefits of cable machine training

The benefits of cable machine training

Cable machines are easy to use even for beginners, and since they do not easily lose weight, they are perfect for those who want to train their muscles efficiently.

There are a wide variety of attachments, so you can easily train different parts of your body by changing the attachments for each part you want to train. It also has the benefit of improving your posture.

In this chapter, we will explain the benefits of training with cable machines.

Benefit 1: Improves posture

Training on a cable machine can help improve your posture.

Human posture is determined by the balance of the abdominal and back muscles. Therefore, if your posture is poor, you can expect to improve it by strengthening your back and abdominal muscles .

Cable machines have a wide variety of exercises that can train the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and abdominal muscles, so they are recommended for those who want to improve their posture. In addition, training the trapezius muscles can loosen the muscles around the shoulders, so they are also suitable for those who suffer from stiff shoulders.

It is easy to operate and you can train just by changing the position of the attachments and pulleys, so even if you are not familiar with it, you can train without any problems.

Advantage 2: The load is less likely to fall off

Cable machines have the advantage of not letting the load drop.

The cable has a weight attached to the end, so you can train while keeping your muscles under constant stress .

For beginners, training with dumbbells is easy and recommended. However, if you are not used to using them, your form may be easily compromised and it may be difficult to apply stress to the desired area.

Cable machines have a simple structure in which you put stress on your muscles by pulling on a cable, so maintaining form is easier than with dumbbells.

Another advantage is that you can adjust the weight precisely. In training with barbells, the weights are in 5kg or 10kg increments, so they may feel too heavy for beginners. Forcing yourself to use heavy plates can also cause injury.

Cable machines allow you to adjust the weight in small increments, making it easy to choose the weight that's right for your level , making them ideal for beginners.

Benefit 3: You can change the attachments according to your purpose.

Another benefit of cable machines is that they come with a wide variety of attachments.

Attachment refers to the handle part of the cable machine, and various attachments are made for different parts of the body that you want to train.

If you want to train a specific part of your body, you can change the attachment to apply pressure to that exact spot, allowing even beginners to do efficient muscle training.

The grip is also designed to be easy to hold, reducing the risk of your hands slipping during training.

If you're not confident with free weights such as dumbbells, it's a good idea to start by using cable machines to build up your strength.

What types of attachments can be used with cable machines?

What types of attachments can be used with cable machines?

There are many different types of attachments that can be used with cable machines, but if you're a beginner, there are so many that it can be hard to know which one to use.

By knowing which parts of the body each attachment can train, you can choose the attachment without hesitation when training. From here, we will introduce three attachments that can be used with cable machines , so please use this as a reference when choosing an attachment.

Tricep Rope

A tricep rope is an attachment that primarily serves to train the triceps .

It weighs less than 1kg, making it easy to carry around, and the attachment comes with plastic end caps on both ends, which greatly aids in gripping.

The training exercises include "pushdowns" for training the triceps and "arm curls" for training the biceps. It can also be used for abdominal exercises, so you can do a wide range of training.

You can purchase tricep ropes at Uchino Gym, so if you want to use a cable machine to train your triceps, be sure to check it out.
» Tricep Rope

Triangle Row

The Triangle Row is a useful attachment for performing back exercises on a cable machine .

It can be used for the "cable rowing" exercise introduced in the cable machine training method section, and the grips have an anti-slip coating so you can maintain your grip and continue training without losing your grip.

In addition, the grip is shaped to allow you to maintain correct form, so even beginners who are not familiar with the form can easily train.

Cable rowing involves pulling on a cable while seated, but it can also be used to train the back with the lat pulldown.

The lat pulldown is a classic exercise for training the latissimus dorsi, in which you pull a cable from overhead until it touches your chest while keeping your shoulder blades together.

We recommend using the triangle row as it can be used for a variety of back training exercises.

You can purchase the Triangle Row at Uchino Gym, so if you want to use a cable machine for back training, be sure to check it out.
» Triangle Row

Multi-Grip Curl Bar

The Multi-Grip Curl Bar is a useful attachment for training your arms, shoulders, and back .

Multi-grip curl bars are useful for training many parts of the body, making them an essential attachment for strength training on a cable machine.

The main exercise is the "cable curl" to train the biceps , but by changing the way it is attached , it can also be used for "pushdowns" to train the triceps and "lat pulldowns" to train the back.

You can purchase a multi-grip curl bar at Uchino Gym, so if you want to train multiple parts of your body with one attachment, be sure to check it out.
» Multi-Grip Curl Bar

Use a cable machine to effectively train your whole body

Cable machines are recommended for training the whole body. Even beginners who are not used to the form can maintain good form and continue training with load because the cable and weight are connected .

In addition, there are many attachments available, so you can pinpoint the area you want to work on. Beginners should use cable machines to train their muscles efficiently.

Uchino Gym offers a wide range of attachments that can be used with the cable machines, and you can also choose dumbbells and mats that are useful for muscle training at home.

They have a full range of equipment that will be useful for muscle training, so if you're looking to start weight training, be sure to check it out.
» Uchino Gym Official Website

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